
From An Mediocre-Mom To A Multi-Millionaire

June 11, 2021 | 1771 Views
Gracey Kay

Truth be told Covid nuked us all. When lockdown was announced last year, most of us were gradually kicked out of our jobs and had to scramble our savings to make ends meet. A lot of us changed professions just to keep up with our lifestyle.

Gracey Kay, an average woman with 2 kids staying in a middle class household in Leeds had a similar fate. She was fired from her job as a hairdresser which earned her a handsome £18k. She was "distressed beyond imagination to say the least", in her own words. But little did she know that this twist in her life will be the stepping stone to a paradise of opportunities.

In her interview with Leeds Live, Gracey said that she was informed about a certain subscription based website called OnlyFans by her friend. Apparently her friend was making a couple of hundreds every month by selling just feet pics. Since she had never done anything like this before, she was quite hesitant at the beginning stage. But soon enough Gracey managed to set up her account and guess what…. In just one month, she managed to bag more than twice her previous annual income!

"It was very daunting as a new money earner but with time I guess my confidence boosted up and now I've got one of the most popular pages!"

Gracey Kay OnlyFans

OnlyFans has indeed been a boon to many. It is perhaps one of the very few platforms where anyone can earn irrespective of age or looks, as there is a demand for every kind! *Wink wink*

Gracey has since shifted to Alicante, Spain. With a total earning of more than a million as of this date she has invested her money into a variety of stocks and a portfolio of properties. She agrees that OnlyFans isn't something that she would like to do forever and plans to retire from working by 35. As a matter of fact this won't be a very impractical dream as her portfolio will be earning her millions by the year through house rents and holiday home bookings, as correctly pinpointed by Gracey herself.

At the end of the day, we must remember that OnlyFans, even though criticized by many, has actually helped common women become more independent than ever. Many household mothers such as Gracey Kay have been able to live their dreams kudos to this social media platform. As in her own words…

"On some days I have to pinch myself. I can't believe this is my life. Some days I will just sit on the beach outside my porch all day and work from my phone..."

So well… if you know someone who is looking for a way to churn out some extra cash on a Saturday afternoon, go ahead and share this article. She will be forever grateful to you and well, ahem… might let you a free subscription when she becomes famous! *Wink wink*

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