
From Nurse To Cam Star: Night Shifts Aren't The Same Anymore

August 05, 2021 | 1711 Views

Cora Diamond decided to hang up her white robe after discovering the world of adult webcamming - but don’t tell her German dad or he will get mad about having paid for medical school.

Cora Diamond quits her job after 10 years

As Cora’s tattooed body lustfully rolls on her bed in front of the webcam seducing her mostly male viewers, no one would guess at that before pursuing webcam modelling that the 28-year-old was working in the medical field as a nurse.

The pandemic changed Cora’s perspective on everything. While struggling at her overly demanding job which didn’t bring her enough income, she knew that there were other opportunities out there for her - so Cora decided to try something new.

Cora Diamond

She doesn't want to go back to her old job

Cora Diamond is thriving in her new calling.

"I just like to present myself and I enjoy it.”

The Cologne native now earns up to 5 times more, and all she does is present her luscious big-bosomed body in front of an audience in her bedroom at home. The sexy blonde is generally pretty open about what she does during her live streams, and her customers appreciate that.

After about 10 years as a nurse, the blonde has hung up her white coat and is happy to no longer have to do shift work. Now she is her own boss and divides her work freely. And by the way: Cora's boyfriend has nothing against her new job.

Cora Diamond 2
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