
Live Cam Chat with Krista_Pflanzer

Krista_Pflanzer is currently offline.
Name: Krista_Pflanzer
Age: 37
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Measurements: 36"-27"-3" (91-68-7 cm)
Ass size: Tiny
Height: 5'4'' - 5'8'' (1.6 - 1.7m)
Weight: 111-121 lbs (51-55 kg)
Body build: Muscular
Turns me on: Strong secure men who know when to take the reigns and pull me in, the sense to know when to allow me freedom. Women of all types. Generosity. Humor. Witt.
Turns me off: Selfish, self deceiving, covert aggressive behavior. Carrot hangers.
Description: Hot, Nasty, Slut, Tight Wet Pussy, I would like you to feel at home to fulfill your most extreme fetishes and fantasies.
About me: I have lived in Southeast Asia for most of the `90s. I learned so much, in so many different cultures there, and am honored to have been accepted everywhere. I now call Las Vegas , Nevada my home. I love the bright lights and am a live Poker Player. Would love to call your bluff!
My Expertise: Role Playing, Extroardinaire
Why me: Because the freedom to express myself as I see fitis important to me.

Krista_Pflanzer has no videos yet.

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